Senin, 14 November 2011

Pengacara Perceraian - Gugatan Cerai

  Hp : 085348543327

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Putusan PN Muara Teweh Nomor 29/Pdt.G/2013/PN.Mtw Tahun 2013

1.          Menerima dan mengabulkan gugatan Penggugat untuk seluruhnya ;
2.          Menyatakan bahwa Perjanjian NEW FURUKAWA HCR 1500 BLAST HOLE DRILL No. 023/03/EXPL/IMK/2010 tertanggal 15 Maret 2010, yang di perpanjang  tanggal 15 Maret 2013 sampai 14 September 2013, adalah sah dan berharga menurut hukum ;
3.          Menyatakan bahwa perbuatan Tergugat yang tidak melaksanakan kewajiban pembayaran kepada Penggugat adalah perbuatan Wanprestasi/ingkar janji terhadap Penggugat ;
4.          Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar kepada Penggugat secara tunai, seketika dan sekaligus sesuai Faktur Tagihan/Invoice sebagai berikut :
A.   Invoice No. 0026/13 tanggal 31/01/ 2013, sebesar USD 150.461,37 (seratus lima puluh ribu empat ratus enam puluh satu dollar dan tiga puluh tujuh sen) jatuh tempo tanggal 28/02/2013;
B.    Invoice No. 0032/13 tanggal 28/02/2013, sebesar USD 114.494,58 (seratus empat belas ribu empat ratus sembilan puluh empat dollar dan lima puluh delapan sen ) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 31/03/2013 ;
C.    Invoice No. 0041/13 tanggal. 28/02/2013,sebesar USD 594.733,97 (lima ratus sembilan puluh empat ribu tujuh ratus tiga puluh tiga dollar dan Sembilan puluh tujuh sen) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 31/03/2013 ;
D.    Invoice No.0107/13 tanggal 30/04/2013, sebesar USD 614.762,36 (enam ratus empat belas ribu tujuh ratus enam puluh dua dollar dan tiga puluh enam sen) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 31/05/2013;
E.  Invoice No.0108/13 tanggal 30/04/2013, sebesar USD 16.200 (enam belas ribu dua ratus dollar ) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 31/05/2013 ;
F.    Invoice No.0130/13 tanggal 31/05/2013,sebesar USD 53.818,56 (lima puluh tiga ribu delapan ratus delapan belas dollar dan lima puluh enam sen) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 30/06/2013;
G.    Invoice No.0137/13 tanggal 31/05/2013, sebesar USD 525.022,74 (lima ratus dua puluh lima ribu dua puluh dua dollar dan tujuh puluh empat sen) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 30/06/2013 ;
H.    Invoice No.0207/13 tanggal.30/06/2013, sebesar USD 38.921,30 (tiga puluh delapan ribu sembilan ratus dua puluh satu dollar dan tiga puluh sen) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 31/07/2013;
I.     Invoice No.0208/13 tanggal. 30/06/2013, sebesar USD 419.338,26 (empat ratus sembilan belas ribu tiga ratus tiga puluh delapan dollar dan dua puluh enam sen) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal  31/07/2013;
J.     Invoice No.0237/13 tanggal 31/07/2013, sebesar USD 30.966,10 (tiga puluh ribu sembilan ratus enam puluh enam dollar dan sepuluh sen) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 31/08/2013;
K.   Invoice No.0239/13 tanggal 31/07/2013, sebesar USD 255.596,28 ( dua ratus lima puluh lima ribu lima ratus sembilan puluh enam dollar dan dua puluh delapan sen) jatuh tempo  pada tanggal 31/08/2013;
Bahwa Jumlah seluruh tagihan/Invoice Penggugat (point A sampai K) kepada Tergugat tersebut adalah sebesar USD 2.814.315,52 (dua juta delapan ratus empat belas ribu tiga ratus lima belas dollar dan lima puluh dua sen )
5.         Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar Tagihan/invoice bulan September 2013 adalah   sebesar USD 319.949,50 ( tiga ratus sembilan belas ribu Sembilan ratus empat puluh         sembilan dollar dan lima puluh sen), secara tunai dan seketika;
6.         Menghukum Tergugat untuk memberikan ganti rugi atas perbuatan Wanprestasi yang      dilakukan oleh Tergugat kepada Penggugat, berupa :
·        Kerugian Materiil :
A. Kehilangan keuntungan yang di harapkan seandainya uang / dana tersebut diatas                             digunakan untuk usaha maka akan memperoleh keuntungan paling tidak                                              Sebesar Rp,-(dua milyar rupiah);
B.       Biaya - biaya operasional yang di keluarkan oleh Penggugat selama ini akibat                 perbuatan                   ingkar janji / wanprestasi Tergugat tidak kurang dari  Rp  ,-(dua milyar rupiah);
7.         Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar uang paksa (dwangsoom) sebesar Rp.5.000.000,-        (lima juta rupiah) perhari yang dapat ditagih dari hari kehari, terhitung sejak gugatan ini     memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap hingga dipenuhinya segala isi putusan dalam perkara     ini ;
8.         Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar bunga sebesar 12% setahun atau 1% per bulan dihitung dari total kewajiban Tergugat kepada Penggugat yakni sebesar USD 2.814.315,52 +           USD 319.949,50 = USD 3.134.265,02,  terhitung sejak putusan dalam perkara ini di       ucapkan sampai dengan mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap.
9.         Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar semua biaya-biaya yang timbul dalam perkara ini ;
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AT Pengadilan Negeri Sangatta Kutai Timur Bukit Pelangi

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Taman Wisata Bukit Pelangi Sangatta Kutai Timur-East Borneo

Taman Wisata Bukit Pelangi Sangatta Kutai Timur-East Borneo
Taman Wisata Bukit Pelangi Sangatta Kutai Timur-East Borneo
Taman Wisata Bukit Pelangi Sangatta Kutai Timur-East Borneo
 Balikpapan, 18 September 2012
Dear :
Mr. Chairman / Judge 
Balikpapan District Court
In -


With respect,
Let Sumarni, SH, Advocates, Lawyers Legal Counsel that
 Marsma street address R. Iswahyudi No. 40 RT. 53 Balikpapan  Indonesia,
 Based on the Special Power of Attorney dated August 23, 2012, from and 
therefore as the attorney acting for and on its behalf of:

Name:   HANITA 
TTL: Balikpapan, 1 0 April 197 9
Religion: Christian
Occupation: Employee Company
Address: Balikpapan Housing Paradise   RT. 101 
Village of  Peace, District of South Balikpapan Balikpapan
          Hereinafter referred to as  the plaintiff

The lawsuit filed with the District Court Divorce
 Balikpapan to:

TTL: Tarakan, 2 August 2 197 5
Occupation: Employee Company
Religion: Christian
Address: Balikpapan Housing NUSANTARA II   RT. 101 
Village of  Peace, District of South Balikpapan Balikpapan
Hereinafter referred to as  the Defendant.

As for the reason Plaintiffs filed this divorce
are as follows :

1.  That between the Plaintiff and the Defendant has held a marriage that has been listed in the Civil Registry Office of Marriage Act Balikpapan as Citation Number:  500/477 / citizen / 19, 99, dated 10  September 20 10, issued by the Civil Registry Office of Balikpapan;

2.  That during the marriage between the Plaintiff and the Defendant, have been blessed with 1 (one) child named  SHINTA Alea, born in Balikpapan 1 0  April 200 2;

3.  That from the beginning of the marriage between the Plaintiff and the Defendant has often quarrel almost every day is always a fight, starting from small things, then becomes a continuous quarrel and eventually the marriage the Plaintiff and Defendant has no harmony, no peace anymore ;

4.  That the Plaintiff suffered due to continuous quarrels and no peace again, until finally in 2005, the Plaintiffs moved work to  Malang  and stay in  Malang  until today;

5.  That the Plaintiff and Defendant has separated the house for 7 (seven) years, ie from 2005 to the current month of September 2012, and  before the split home Plaintiff and Defendant has deadlocked communication and quarrel was always occurs between the Plaintiff by the Defendant;

6.  Whereas because household sustainability can not be maintained anymore then to avoid the harm that is sustainable and for the benefit and future interests of both parties, the divorce is the best solution for both parties (vide  Article 19 letter f PP No. 9 1975 ), with divorced each can start a new chapter in his life. 

7.  Whereas in accordance with Article 19 letter f PP 9 in 1975, which reads " 
f.  between husband and wife continuous disputes and quarrels, and no hope of living in harmony again in the household; 

8.  That a boy named  Shinta Alea  of marriage the Plaintiff and the Defendant, the Defendant is currently living with, because the Plaintiff is very busy with his work and often goes out the area then, supervision / childcare, Plaintiffs leave to the Defendant, in order to be monitored / treated by the Defendant as her biological father so that special attention should children in general. 

That is based on the reasons mentioned above,
 Plaintiff requests to Mr. Chairman of the Court 
Balikpapan cq. Mr. Judge to judge and 
examine this case to decide as follows:

Primary :

1.  Receive and grant the Plaintiff's lawsuit Divorced entirety;

2.  To declare the marriage between the Plaintiff and the Defendant yan g were listed in the Civil Registry Office of Marriage Act Balikpapan as Citation Number:  500/477 / citizen / 199 9, dated 2 2  September 20 1 0, issued by the Civil Registry Office in Balikpapan, dropped out because divorce with all the legal consequences;

3.  Declare a boy named  Shinta Alea  in supervision / maintenance Defendant

4.  To order the Defendant to pay the court fees incurred in this case in accordance with applicable law.


Or if other judges argued, 
please verdict fairest (ex aequo et bono). 

Thus we submitted this lawsuit, this lawsuit on a wish come true, 
plaintiff to thank. 

Best regards
Attorney Penguggat,

Sumarni, SH

Procedures  Asking Divorce Lawsuit

For those who are Muslims

If  you  feel that marriage can not be maintained anymore and decides to  divorce, the first step to do is file a divorce lawsuit. For Muslims, this lawsuit can be filed in the Court of religion (Article 1 Chapter I General Regulation No. 9/1975 on the implementation of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage). 

A.  Claims Divorce  filed by the  wife in the Religious
When the  wife  who filed for divorce, then  the wife  is the husband is the Plaintiff and Defendant. Filed for divorce, you or your attorney (if you are using a power law) came to the Religious Court (PA) in the region of residence  of the Defendant / husband. If you live abroad, a lawsuit filed in  a religious court (PA)  region of residence  of the Defendant / husband. If you and your husband live abroad, then the lawsuit filed with the religious court in the area where you were married before, or to the Central Jakarta Religious Court (Article 73 of Law No. 7/89 on Religious Courts)

B.   Claims Divorce  filed by the husband  in the Religious
When the  husband  who filed for divorce, then  the husband  is the P emohon  and  wife  are Ter please. Filed for divorce, you or your attorney (if you are using a power law) came to the Religious Court (PA) in the region of residence  of the Respondent / wife. If you live abroad, a lawsuit filed in  a religious court (PA)  region of residence  Respondent / wife. When  husband  and  wife  you live abroad, then the lawsuit filed with the religious court in the area where you were married before, or to the Central Jakarta Religious Court (Article 73 of Law No. 7/89 on Religious Courts)

2. Reason for Divorce Lawsuit
The reason can be the basis of your divorce suit in the Religious, among others:
a. Husband committed adultery, drunks, compactor, gamblers and others;
b. Leave your husband for two (2) consecutive years without any permission or reason   clearly and correctly, meaning: husband knowingly and intentionally leave you;
c. Husband jailed for (five) 5 years or more after the marriage took place;
d. Husband cruel and abusive to you;
e. Husband can not carry out his duty as a husband because of disability or illness suffered;
f. Disputes and quarrels constantly with no possibility for reconciliation;
g. Husband violate taklik-divorce when he spoke-granted consent;
h. Husband switch or apostate religion that resulted in disharmony in the family.

(Article 116 Compilation of Islamic Law in conjunction with Article 19 of Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975)

3. Witnesses and Evidence 
You or your legal counsel in court to prove the truth of those reasons with: 
a.  A copy of the Decision of the Court, if the reason used is the husband received a sentence of 5 (five) or more (Article 74 of Law No. 7/1989 jo KHI Article 135). 
b.  Evidence of the results of the examination the doctor on the orders of the court, if the reason you are husband got a disability or illness that causes unable to fulfill its obligations (article 75 of Law 7/1989) 
c.  Description of witnesses, either from the family or people close to knowing the occurrence of contention between you and your husband (article 76 of Law 7/1989 and article 134 KHI). 

4. Letters You Need to prepare
·  Marriage certificate genuine 
·  Copy of Marriage Certificate 2 (two) pieces, each stamp, then legalized 
·  Copy of birth certificate of children (if childless), stamp, also legalized 
·  Copy of Identity Card (KTP) most Plaintiffs (wife) 
·  Copy of Family Card (KK) 

When in conjunction with divorce is filed is also a lawsuit against joint property, it is necessary to put evidence of ownership such as land certificate (if on behalf of the plaintiff / applicant), BPKB (Proof of Ownership of Motor Vehicles) / vehicle registration (vehicle registration certificate) for motor vehicles, receipts, letters of sale, etc.
Therefore, it is important to keep the securities that you have in a safe place.

5. Contents Letter Lawsuit 
a.  The identity of the parties (Plaintiff / Defendant)  or  persona standi in judicio, consisting of a husband and wife's name (along with the son / daughter), age, place of residence, it is stipulated in Article 67 (a) of Law No. 7/1989. The identity of the parties is also accompanied by information about the religion, work and citizenship 
b.  posita (basic or grounds to sue),  also called  fundamentum Petendi, containing information such as chronological (sequence of events) since start your marriage with your husband held, events existing law (eg: the birth of children), until the appearance of a mismatch between your and a husband who encourages divorce, the reasons put forward and the description which later became the basis of the demands (petition). Examples posita example: 
·  That on ... has held the marriage between the plaintiff and the defendant in ... 
·  That the marriage was born ... (number) child named ..., born in ... on ... 
·  That during the marriage between the plaintiff and the defendant often frequent disputes and quarrels as follows ... 
·  That based on the above reason enough for the plaintiff filed for divorce ... etc. 
c.  Petitum (lawsuits), the demands requested by the wife as plaintiff in order to be granted by the judge (article 31 Regulation No. 9/1975, Article 130 HIR). 
The claim forms for example:
a.  Receive and in favor of the plaintiff in its entirety; 
b.  Declare the marriage between the plaintiff and the defendant ... valid break up because of divorce since the ruling by the judge; 
c.  To declare that the claimant is entitled to custody of children and entitled to the income of the defendant from the date ... Rp .... per month to the plaintiff remarried; 
d.  Requiring the defendant to pay the maintenance fee (if the child is not yet mature) as from .... Rp .... per month until the child is independent / adult; 
e.  Declare that the property in the form .... which is a joint property (Gono-gini) into the right plaintiff ... 
f.  punish the plaintiff to pay the court fee ... etc. 

6. Provisional lawsuit (Article 77 and 78 of Law 7/89)
Before the judge handed down a final decision, a lawsuit can be filed also provisional in the Religious to a problem that needs immediate certainty, for example:
a.  Giving permission for his wife to live separately with her ​​husband. 
b.  Permission can be given to prevent the dangers that may arise if a husband and wife who live at home fighting. 
c.  Determine the cost of living / living for his wife and children should be given by the husband; 
d.  Determine the other things necessary to ensure the maintenance and education of children; 

Determining the things necessary for the preservation of goods became joint property (Gono-gini) or goods that are innate property of each party before the marriage first.


Waris  Mixed Marriage




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